Cooking With Mesquite

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A lesson on mesquite flour from a demonstration at  Prickly Pear and Mesquite Festival Superstition Mountain Museum

This post has been replaced with Cooking With Prickly Pear And Mesquite In Arizona.

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  1. I didn’t even know that there was such a thing! I used to sell a commercial slow cooker where our chefs experimented with mesuqite wood all the time…but the flour is a really cool idea!

    1. Apparently, indigenous American Indians relied on mesquite pods as a food source and made flour from it. But I didn’t know anything about mesquite flour until I attended Jean’s class.

    1. The gingersnaps were good. I used the recipe that came with the flour. One day I will make my family recipe for ginger cookies and substitute some of the flour with mesquite flour and see how those turn out.

  2. I’ve never come across mesquite before – I’ll have to look out for it if I’m ever in that part of the US.

    1. You won’t find mesquite flour in regular grocery stores. You need to find a specialty store that stocks it or look for it at farmers’ markets or vendor tents at festivals.

    1. I wasn’t sure what it would be like to cook with. I was prepared for the possibility we might not like and I’d be throwing out the rest of the bag after one or two tries. But I had to try it and I was pleasantly surprised.

  3. Like you, all I knew about mesquite, which grows all over South Texas, was that it added a fabulous flavor to barbecue. The mesquite gingersnaps sound delicious and just in time for the holiday season! Thanks for sharing this interesting information.

  4. Hi Donna. What a fun class to take. I had never heard of mesquite flour. I love cinnamon, so I know that this would be a flour I could get used to .

  5. Like you Donna, I only knew of smoking with mesquite. You’ve certainly piqued my interest. I would think the flavor would be stronger in the flour, but it sounds like it imparts a lovely taste. Thanks for all the great information.

    1. Until I saw this demonstration, the only connection I knew of between mesquite and cooking was the use of the wood for grilling. I didn’t know the pods could be used for flour.