Homeward Bound

Things to look forward to as I return home after a winter away
This weekend, with mixed feelings, my husband and I pack up to leave Mesa, Arizona where we’ve spent the last four months. We head home to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It’s been a wonderful four months, but a part of me is ready to go home.
I do not relish returning to the cold and snow that lingers on this year, but am looking forward to other things.
Things I look forward to, in no particular order:
- Less driving
The freeways and road system in the greater Phoenix area are excellent. But the area is huge and we’ve done a lot of driving to take in things we wanted to do or see. I look forward to shorter distances, but not to the potholes I know must already be forming in Winnipeg.
- CBC Radio
Usually a constant in our kitchen
- CBC’s The National
I have occasionally watched The National via the Internet, but it will be good to get Canadian news and a Canadian slant on international news on a regular basis again. - My office
While in Arizona, I have moved my laptop from the kitchen island to the dining table to a small desk in the guest room to a portable computer desk in the dining area, into the master bedroom and then back to the desk in the guest room. I have managed to work in all locations but look forward to settling back into my home office. - Hair highlights
Although the three trims I had during the winter were well-done, I’m reluctant to trust highlights, now due, to anyone but to the hairdresser I’ve gone to for almost thirty years.
- A second spring
Over the last several weeks I’ve watched trees green, bushes blossom and cacti burst into colour. Blossoming times vary by plant species and location. Each day of the last few weeks has been a delight to see a new bit of colour. I look forward to experiencing that delight again as spring hits Manitoba. Of course, it also means a second spring allergy season.
- The upcoming summer
Summers in Manitoba can be fantastic. I’m hoping that will be the case this year once winter finally decides to leave. I look forward to gazebo evenings. And as is usually the case around this time of year, I’m eager to get into my garden. That enthusiasm usually fades by mid-summer.
- Family and friends
E-mail, Facebook, Skype, FaceTime and telephone have been fantastic for staying in touch, but nothing beats seeing and talking to people in person.
We’re all looking forward to seeing you too.
Dave says….
Have a safe trip! Bring some warm weather home!